January 29, 2025

We love this publication, they are dedicated to promote an integrated approach to healthcare, work and wellbeing. You can read the article here: Is Your Relationship with Alcohol ‘Complicated’? New Book Shares an Empowering Method to Help Women Take Back Control –

January 22, 2025

Willpower just isn’t enough. Tipsy offers a practical and uplifting method for understanding your relationship with alcohol and making life changes fast. With a handy quiz to assess your emotional dependence, it provides step-by-step strategies for redesigning your lifestyle and nurturing self-love, health, energy, and vitality. What sets Tipsy apart? A team of experts crafted its proven psychological…

July 14, 2024

Being a woman is not easy, and social pressures placed on women have consequences that clinical psychologist Dr. Alicia Lamberghini-West sees firsthand in her private practice. In her book, Your Life, Your Way: Become Aware of Social Pressures Limiting Women, Dr. Lamberghini-West helps women identify common social pressures that could be holding them back. She…

July 8, 2024

Black Tie Magazine published a great story about my book “Your Life, Your Way,” The Unbearable Weight of Social Pressures: Psychologist’s Book Helps Women Lighten the Load. Please find the story at: https://blacktiemagazine.com/recommended_reading/Alicia_Lamberghini_Your_Life_Your_Way.htm

April 10, 2024

In the US and other countries within its sphere of influence, drinking has become part ofour national culture. Drinking is a behavior that’s accepted and, subsequently, may be expectedand anticipated in a variety of settings. In our contemporary culture, people primarily drink toenhance sociability, for personal enjoyment, to escape problems, and to relieve stress.The social…

February 12, 2021

Because a simple reason: to be attractive, to be admired by a potential romantic partner, or to fit in. Typical thoughts along these lines are: “If only I looked more like my friend, maybe this guy I’ve met would be interested in me.” Or, “If I weighed less, I would look more professional and get…

January 25, 2021

Many encounters between men and women today start with online dating, and these relationships often fall into patterns. Of special frequency is “ghosting,” in which one member of the relationship––usually the man––disappears without explanation after a few dates. Starting in our late twenties, many women experience tremendous pressure from their family and friends to get…

January 11, 2021

YES. THERE IS A FEMININE DRINKING CULTURE. What is a culture? The beliefs, social norms, and behaviors of a social group. The set of shared values, attitudes, drives, and social practices that characterizes a group. At least in the US, drinking among women became part of our culture. What are the characteristics of a behavior…