January 10, 2023

While our particular cultural and social environments influence us, we have a uniquepersonal identity and the right to develop, expand, and express it. The more we grow, the morehappiness we will have in life.Besides, social pressures and expectations are not laws, and not conforming to themdoesn’t make us bad people. We have the freedom to…

January 10, 2023

I have had a lifelong, profound interest in this topic: the social pressures and relatedchallenges that women of all ages and socio-cultural backgrounds face and how they can dealwith them.          Nine of my twenty-five years in private practice as a psychologist were particularlysignificant. I worked in an outpatient program with an all-female staff and client…

February 12, 2021

Because a simple reason: to be attractive, to be admired by a potential romantic partner, or to fit in. Typical thoughts along these lines are: “If only I looked more like my friend, maybe this guy I’ve met would be interested in me.” Or, “If I weighed less, I would look more professional and get…

January 25, 2021

Many encounters between men and women today start with online dating, and these relationships often fall into patterns. Of special frequency is “ghosting,” in which one member of the relationship––usually the man––disappears without explanation after a few dates. Starting in our late twenties, many women experience tremendous pressure from their family and friends to get…

January 20, 2021

Are comfort zones healthy? When we are in a relationship, how healthy is our comfort zone? Let me explain a little bit about our comfort zones. There are two kinds, the one we build by ourselves or in collaboration with a partner; and the one we accept from a spouse or partner when we complied…

January 11, 2021

YES. THERE IS A FEMININE DRINKING CULTURE. What is a culture? The beliefs, social norms, and behaviors of a social group. The set of shared values, attitudes, drives, and social practices that characterizes a group. At least in the US, drinking among women became part of our culture. What are the characteristics of a behavior…